Choose Jesus Today, Be ready

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Many are confused about what will happen in these last days. Jesus’ love for us is so much, that he gave us a book of the Bible addressing our concerns–the “Revelation of Jesus Christ” to His servant John. This last book of the Bible is for all to know and to prepare for His coming. We need to be watchful of the signs but remember He will take care of us through the troubling times, if we rely on Him totally. Many are on the fence right now and want to wait a little longer to make the choice for Christ. Some say, I have time before I have to make a decision. My heart breaks for them that will wait until it is too late. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. Disease (or now a days COVID) or an accident can happen to take them early. But the main reason to choose Christ today is that NO ONE on this earth will know the hour of His coming (read Matthew 24: 37-42 and 25:13). We need to be ready now!

The following excerpt is from the booklet called “Satan in Chains” by Joe Crews.

5. Earth in Ruins (last paragraph)

At the coming of Jesus, every work of man will be humbled to the dust. Skyscrapers are lev­eled to the ground, the sky darkens, and even the birds disappear. The righteous are removed from the earth and all the wicked are slain. No wonder the Bible says that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. To be unprepared in that day is the greatest tragedy to be imagined.

6. Satan Bound

Now, the question arises, “Where is Satan during all this great manifestation?” Going back to Revelation 20:1-3 we read about the Devil during the millennium: “And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.” What an amazing scene! The Devil is bound for that thousand years and cast into the bottomless pit.

Fortunately, we do not have to speculate about the location of that bottomless pit. The Bible makes it very clear. The original Greek word for “bottomless pit” is “abussos,” from which we get our English word “abyss,” meaning “a deep place.” That same word is used again in the Greek version of Genesis 1:2: “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.” The word “deep” here is the Greek word “abussos” which is trans­lated as “bottomless pit” in Revelation 20:1. In other words, this earth was called the “abussos” after God formed it; before He called order and design out of it. Lying in disorganized darkness it was referred to as the bottomless pit.

During the millennium, this planet will revert to a similar state of desolation and chaos. Jeremiah describes it in the very same words, “without form and void.” Again, it is designated by the prophet John as the “abussos,” or “bottom­less pit.” Satan will be confined right here on this torn-up, destroyed world for a thousand years while the saints are in heaven.

Someone may ask, “But what about the chain?” Just remember that Satan is a fallen angel, and spiritual beings cannot be bound with literal chains. The Bible speaks about the evil angels being bound with chains of darkness. The purpose of the binding is “that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years should be fulfilled.” The only possible way to accomplish this is to take Satan away from all the people, or take the people away from him. Even putting him into a deep, literal pit would not pre­vent him from deceiving the people, because he has millions of imps to carry on his work.

The fact is that the Devil is bound by cir­cumstances that forbid him access to any human being during the thousand years. Recently, a man told me that Satan is already bound and has been ever since 1914. That struck me as one of the most incredible of all statements. Surely if he is bound today, somebody is doing his work for him. And if the world is in this shape without his evil scheming, we had better pray that he doesn’t get loose, or we really are in for trouble. If he is bound now, it would have to be with a rubber chain that stretches from New York to Moscow and all around the circle of the earth.

No, he is not bound today, but he will be while this earth is in confused disorder. Unable to deceive a single soul, he will inhabit this desolate planet for a thousand years contemplat­ing the havoc his program has produced. The righteous are in heaven, the wicked are all dead, and he has no one to work on till the end of the millennium.

I have tried to think about the Devil dur­ing this period. What is he going to do? The earth is covered with darkness, dead bodies are everywhere, and all is absolute confusion. For six thousand years, Satan has been plenty busy. He has followed folk around trying to devise their destruction. His chief employment for cen­turies has been to accuse, mislead and destroy. Suddenly, though, he has nothing to do. They are all taken away, and he is left with his own thoughts. What will the Devil do? That will be the most miserable punishment that Satan will have to suffer. Forced to live with himself for a thousand years! No one to deceive at all; just thinking, thinking, thinking.

I am sure he will think about the past and remember all the terrible deeds of darkness he has committed. He will think about the future and the prophecies of God concerning his own destiny. Listen, the Devil is a good Bible student. Do not fool yourself. Give him credit where it is due. He knows the Bible better than you do. Oh yes, holy men of God wrote as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, but the Devil was looking over their shoulder and memorizing every bit of it. The Devil knows better than we do that every word of the Bible is true. He knows that everything about heaven is true, because he used to live there. He knows that it is just as beauti­ful and wonderful as the Bible describes it, but he doesn’t want anybody else to believe that. So, he is desperately working to keep people from studying this Book and to keep people off their knees.

If people can once understand what the Bible teaches about the great plan of salvation, Satan knows that his power will be destroyed at that very moment. So, I picture him as thinking of these things and looking ahead to the future, knowing that his utter destruction has already been determined. The Bible itself declares that he will be burned and brought to ashes.

I suppose, also, that he will think about many of the people he tempted while the earth was still standing. Perhaps his thoughts will go back to the poor alcoholic who was struggling to be free. Time after time he crawled out of the gutter, determined never to take another drink. But Satan waylaid the man with constant harass­ment and temptation, and down he would go into the gutter again. Finally, the desperate alco­holic dared to lay hold of Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour, and he was delivered from Satan’s power. Now Satan knows that the man is forever beyond his influence, and he will never be able to assail him again.

Yes, I picture the Devil wandering over this depopulated planet and stumbling over the decaying bodies of those who were slain by the glory of God. And perhaps one of those bodies will attract Satan’s special attention because he recognizes and remembers the man. He was a good, moral man with a fine family. Everybody liked him. He was honest and paid his debts. People were attracted to him. He was a good neighbor and a good citizen. There were times when the man was drawn to make a decision to follow the Lord all the way. His wife pleaded with him to do so, and his little girls prayed for him every night. Only one thing really stood in his way, but somehow he could not surrender his will fully to the will of Christ. It was always in his mind to do so someday, but the Devil kept supplying him with excuses for waiting. Then suddenly, unexpectedly, the clouds rolled back like a curtain and Christ returned. The man was not prepared. He was cut down with all the oth­ers who were living for self.

Now Satan looks upon the tortured features of the dead man, and a hideous grin spreads over his face. His strategy was successful, and this man, at least, will never have another opportu­nity to be saved. He is lost forever.

To read this booklet from the beginning click here:  SATAN IN CHAINS


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