An Awesome Father God

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Have you ever contemplated what an awesome Father God we have? He gave us His Son to save us all! From the beginning of time He already had a plan to save us if our first parents failed. Sometimes we think of our own world and how it was created which is amazing in itself, but I want to share something with you today from our lessons.

“The awesome wonder of space speaks of an all-powerful God who is the Creator of the universe. Frank Borman was commander of the first space crew to travel beyond Earth’s orbit. Looking down on the earth from 250,000 miles away, Borman radioed back a message, quoting Genesis 1:1, “ ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.’ ” As he later explained: “I had an enormous feeling there had to be a power greater than any of us—that there was a God, that there was indeed a beginning.”

“To get just a small idea of how unlimited God’s power is, let’s consider just one object in the heavens: the sun. Did God create the sun? Certainly. Genesis 1: 14-16 tells the story of God’s creating two lights to rule the heavens: the sun to rule the day and moon to rule the night. We exist on one of the planets that revolve around the sun. The sun produces more energy in one second than humans have produced in all their history. Take all the electrical power and all the energy produced by solar or coal or gas since the beginning of time, and the sun produces more in one second.

The sun has a diameter of approximately 860,000 miles and could hold a million planets the size of earth. But the sun is just one of at least a billion stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. One star called the Pistol Star gives off ten million times the power generated by our sun. One million stars the size of our sun can easily fit within the sphere of the Pistol Star. Some Scientists estimate there are ten billion trillion stars in the universe. Someone has said that there are about the same number of stars as there are grains of sand on the seashore.” (Finley, M. (2021, Quarterly). Rest in Christ. Adult Sabbath School Bible Study (Adult Teachers), (Page 119, para 1 and Page 120, para. 3-4).

This is our Father God. He has everything in the palm of His Mighty hand. The Psalmist asks, “When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained; What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? And the Son of man, that Thou visitest Him? For Thou hast made Him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned Him with glory and honour.” (Psalm 8:3-5).

And Hebrews 2:9 states this, “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that He by the grace of God should taste death for every man.” Jesus became one of us as John 1:1 and 14 reads, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God…And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”  Jesus was given to us—a tremendous gift. So for the above question, What is man that God is mindful of us in this enormous universe? We can go back a couple of verses in John to John 1:12 , “But as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” The wonderful answer is that we are His sons and daughters through His Son Jesus Christ—that is who we are!


  1. ANTHEA KORTJÉ says:


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